I am sorry Mr. Newton, your gravity is for conventional technology, not for quantum technology.

[read the short summary of the conception]
When Newton realized that falling apple is caused by a force, there are two probabilities of force. The force is a push from above the apple or the force is a pull from bellow the apple. We all know that Newton did choose the pull force instead push force. In his second edition of principia, Newton stated I have not yet been able to discover the cause of these properties of gravity from phenomena.

So, Newton jumped to conclusion of “mass pull” without appropriate reason. He just said that It is enough that gravity does really exist and acts according to the laws I have explained, and that it abundantly serves to account for all the motions of celestial bodies.

For 17th century technology, yes, it is enough. For quantum technology, no, it is not enough.

This blog propose a concept that gravity comes from space, like Einstein did. But, there is a little difference. Einstein spacetime usually connected to cosmological constant. In my conception, space is drag less but elastic. It fills the space, but can be compressed and stretched.

If a mass appear inside this space, the mass compress the space around. The surface of the space will be stretched, and the space at the mass will react by pressing the mass. This pressing of the space causes acceleration that known as gravity.

If the mass move inside the space, the pressure of space will be higher to balance with the kinetic energy or inertia. Because space is drag less, the pressure of space will not make mass stop moving, but being balanced to move. But if the mass is too ‘nasty’ to move to the speed of light, the pressure of space will eliminate the existence of mass. That is why any speed that faster than the speed of light is disallowed by the space.

The compression of space creates curved images, or known as space-time curvature. My conception above opens possibility to create brand new technology, which is space-time engineering. Perhaps, the first technology will be flying car that flies by manipulating space-time function.