Gravity of Moving Mass

Don’t expect the God help us instantly, because the speed has a limit!

[read the short summary of conception]

Compressed space-time also balances the mass properties of material. If the mass moves in linear direction, the compressed space-time in the front of direction will be smaller and the rear one will be higher. This make a mass will keep moving if there are no other forces. If the mass moves at the speed that close to the speed of light, the compression of space-time will be higher. This compression makes the mass become heavier. If the speed reaches the speed of light, the energy of compression will be enough to eliminate the existence of mass. That is the reason why mass cannot travel to the speed of light.

The spinning mass is also balanced by compression of space-time. The spinning mass will distribute the mass along the axis in the form of centrifugal force, therefore the compression of space-time will also higher along the spin axis (figure 1). This higher compression makes the spin can be used to maintain the direction of rocket.

Figure 1. Space compression of spinning mass in three dimension

Figure 2. Figure 2. If there is no mass presence, the energy of space is uniform (left side picture). Presence of a mass will compress the space (center picture) and space reacts by compressing the mass. If the mass is spinning, the compression of space will be twisted (right side picture)
