Summary: The Origin and Creation of Gravity

Clue: Space will disallow a mass to moves at the speed of light. This is a clue that space has energy to disallow the existence of mass.

This is a hope to understand physics phenomenon in different frame of reference, and open more possibilities for new technology development.

1. The original Space/Absolute Space
If space can disallow a mass to moves at the speed of light, there should be a state where a space is balance [equation]. I call the balanced space as Absolute Space. Absolute space is an energy that balances with energy of absolute speed. There nothing can enter this space but electromagnetic wave.

2. Interaction Between electromagnetic Wave in Absolute Space
Interaction of electromagnetic wave in the absolute space can change the energy level of electromagnetic wave.

Creation of Proton and Neutron
If energy of an electromagnetic wave is increase, the frequency will be higher and wavelength will be shorter. Because speed cannot be increased, there will be a condition where wavelength is zero and cancels the speed of light. The electromagnetic wave turn to be a mass and the space will balance with the presence of mass by transforming into space time function to compress the mass. The increase of energy caused the formed mass has positive charges of proton and the compression of space time cause proton has gravity field. Gravity field makes proton can have more energy to change the proton becomes neutron.

Since the mass is an electromagnetic wave that lost the speed, the energy of mass equal to (1/2)mc^2. The same energy is also given by the space in the form of compression. But since the space is considering the speed of light, the mass becomes smaller, the length becomes shorter and the time becomes longer.
If proton or neutron enters high gravity field, proton and neutron receives too much energy from space. Then proton and neutron will be decayed.

Creation of electron
If energy of electromagnetic wave decreases, the frequency can become zero. The space no longer ‘gives’ energy, but hives the energy. At the point where the space hives the energy, the electron is formed. The decrease of energy causes electron has negative charges.

3. Atom Creation and Mass Creation
Gravity field of Neutron can be united with gravity field of proton, but positive charge of proton cannot be balanced by space, it can be balanced by electron. But, electron has ‘anti-gravity’ field that cannot be united with gravity field. Therefore, electron can only moves close to proton until the anti gravity field around electron is balanced with gravity field of proton (and neutron) in an orbital system.

Some atoms create a molecule, and molecules create mass. The gravity field of proton and neutron become stronger.

Gravity comes from the push of space, not the pull of a mass.

Gravity Field has a limit. There will be some areas in the universe that do not experiencing the gravity field. These areas are balancing the gravity field. There areas may the dark matter that had been identified by NASA. The effect of galaxy collision that caught by NASA may refer to the transformation of absolute space/dark matter into space time.

The compression of space time has connection with moving mass. Therefore, it opens a possibility to arrange some moving masses to create anti gravity effect.

I hope, although I cannot process this summary into formal procedure, this summary can give a fresh look to our science then brings to better world.

Tanks for my friend at BBC Message Board that remind me to make the summary.