Another "Mistake Jump" of Bee Collapse Colony Research?

A car driver hit another car and asked by a police.
"Why you don't hit the brake when you see another car in front of you?" ask the Policeman.
"I have read the traffic rules, there no order to brake in this circumstances."

Honey bees play a critical role in agriculture. The most important role honey bees play is actually not honey production, but pollination. The value of crops that require pollination by honey bees, in the United States alone, is estimated to be around $24 billion each year and commercial bee pollination was valued around $10 billion annually.

Honey bee colony losses are not uncommon, however, this sort of disappearance is unprecedented. This honey bee colony loss is due to uncharacteristic bee behavior: bees are failing to return to the hive. Research found no evidence to suggest that pesticides or bacterial infection are the primary cause of CCD (colony Collapse Disorder).

So, if the root cause is the navigation system, why we not focusing in the bee navigation first? If the anomaly of bee navigation revealed, we can understand weather the collapse is biologically or environmentally. Then, we can continue the research depend on the previous result.

But, as we have not reveal the process of collapse colony, scientists try to explain the collapse with DNA, Bacteria, Virus, pollution, etc. Most of their research result will fail to explain the process of collapse colony. Mostly, their truth is like the truth of the driver in the prologue of this article.

Another wasting time and money.

Why the Thruster of Spaceship Located at Rear?

How long does a mermaid learn to walk on land?

Figure 1

I just wonder, an aircraft has thruster engine at the rear part is OK because it still can be used to balance between the center weight of aircraft with lifting force of the wing. But in the space, there is no lifting force of wing, and rear thrust (figure 1) will make spaceship more difficult to control because the thrust can cause inertia moment about the center of mass. As shown in figure 2, if the center of mass little higher then the space will turn like figure 3.

Figure 2

Figure 3

If the thrust located at the front area like shown in figure 4, the inertia moment can be avoided. But, I haven’t found any spaceship that has thrust engine at the front area, even in the science fiction. Most of our communication satellite also put the thruster in the rear. Perhaps, we may consider putting the thruster in front of the satellite so that satellite orbit failure may be reduced.

Figure 4


It is not a Newton’s Mistake, it just need more addendum.

If we born before Newton, and an apple falls on our head, we just gonna say, "Thanks God, it is not a coconut!"

[read the short summary of conception]


If we throw a ball upward, then the gravity will accelerate the ball downward. We usually assume that the motion path of the ball is straight vertical, like shown in animation 1. This becomes the basic concept in learning Newton Gravity.

But actually, the earth does not stand still, it is spinning. So the motion path of the ball will be a curved line like shown in animation 2.


It is OK if Sir Isaac Newton did not consider the spinning of earth because he could not observe the falling apple from space. No, we have space shuttle. Why don’t we make a wider point of view than Newton? Why we still teach our children with observation of seventeenth century with twenty first century technology?

Is it because narrowed point of view from 17th century just like peeping porn from door keyhole so wider point of view is less exciting?

However, we might find the acceleration of earth gravity is no longer 9.81 m/sec^2 if the earth does not spinning.

Why Gamma Ray Bursts from The Poles

"You told me that you want to draw a car, but why you only draw a tire?"
"The canvas is too small."
"Why don't you draw a small car?"
"Actually, I only now tire. I never see how car look like."

Figure 1. The Burst of Gamma Ray

The spinning mass caused higher space-time compression or gravity along the spin axis. If the spin velocity had exceeded, the compression of space-time is enough to ‘kill’ the star. The star is dying and releasing huge amount of energy in the form of gamma ray. Since the compression of space-time in perpendicular of spin axis is very high, the gamma ray releases in the spin axis, the poles (Figure 1).

A Trap of Modern Science?

The problem is that we don't know whether early universe has time dimension or not. If the early universe do not has time dimension, the searching is just wasting time and money. Just like Boeing in early 2000 that tried to fight against gravity while our gravity research had not reveal the mystery of gravity.

Are those research phenomenon above the clues of moder science trap? Or our students are smarter than their teachers?

Confirmation of My Gravity Understanding from Canary Island

"Have you found something in your observation"
"No, I haven't."
"Because what I found is not like what I want."

[read the short summary of conception]

As has mentioned in GRAVITY ANOMALY ON EARTH SURFACE and “HOW GRAVITY ACCELERATES MATERIALS AND CREATES ORBITAL SYSTEM”, the space-time is not simply silky smooth. And the MAGIC Telescope on Canary Island had confirmed it.

".......The MAGIC data filtered through to the Max Planck Institute of Physics in Munich, Germany.It was easy to pinpoint the source of the data blip - a 20-minute burst of hugely energetic gamma rays from a galaxy some 500 million light years away known as Markarian 501. Its occasional tempestuous outbursts had already made it familiar to gamma-ray telescopes worldwide.
This burst was different. As Wagner and his colleagues analyzed the data in the weeks and months that followed, an odd pattern emerged. Lower-energy photons from Markarian 501 had outpaced their higher-energy counterparts, arriving up to 4 minutes earlier (Physics Letters B, vol 668, p 253).This should not happen. If an object is 500 million light years away, light from it always takes 500 million years to get to us, no more, no less. Whatever their energy, photons always travel at the same speed, the implacable cosmic speed limit: the speed of light. Perhaps the anomaly has a mundane explanation. We do not really understand the processes within objects such as Markarian 501 that accelerate particles to phenomenal energies and catapult them towards us. They are thought ultimately to have something to do with the convulsions of super massive black holes at the objects' hearts. It could be that these mechanisms naturally spew out low-energy particles before high-energy ones. Or they might not. "The more fascinating explanation would be that this delay is not intrinsic to the source, but that it happens along the way from the source to us," says Wagner. According to my understanding, the space has energy to accelerate or decelerate, it depend of the interaction of space-time and dark matter....."

How Gravity Bends The Light

An elementary school student told me, “Someday, I will invent a light bending machine, so I can bend the light around me and make me invisible.”

[read the short summary of conception]

Light is a package of energy. Space-time also came from energy. There will be a conservation of energy between the light and the space. When the sun light enters the gravity field of earth, the sun light should be accelerated. But it never happened because the light has already reached the limit of speed. To balance with the acceleration of gravity, the light is deteriorated or diffracted. When the sun light enters the weak gravity field of earth, the low level energy of light is diffracted (figure 1). The lower level of this sun light is the red light. As the light goes to the center of earth, there will be more diffraction. Finally, only the blue light that directly reach the earth surface. This blue light makes the sky looks blue.

Figure 1, 2, 3, and 4

The colorful light is mixed on earth surface that make the sun light become white (figure 2). In the polar region, the compression of space-time is lower than the equator area. The light that escapes from gravity of earth leaves colorful light (figure 3). We named it as aurora. As the space-time compression is very high in the equator area, only red and yellow light are leaved by the escape light (figure 4). These light coloring the sunset and sunrise.

Gravity of Moving Mass

Don’t expect the God help us instantly, because the speed has a limit!

[read the short summary of conception]

Compressed space-time also balances the mass properties of material. If the mass moves in linear direction, the compressed space-time in the front of direction will be smaller and the rear one will be higher. This make a mass will keep moving if there are no other forces. If the mass moves at the speed that close to the speed of light, the compression of space-time will be higher. This compression makes the mass become heavier. If the speed reaches the speed of light, the energy of compression will be enough to eliminate the existence of mass. That is the reason why mass cannot travel to the speed of light.

The spinning mass is also balanced by compression of space-time. The spinning mass will distribute the mass along the axis in the form of centrifugal force, therefore the compression of space-time will also higher along the spin axis (figure 1). This higher compression makes the spin can be used to maintain the direction of rocket.

Figure 1. Space compression of spinning mass in three dimension

Figure 2. Figure 2. If there is no mass presence, the energy of space is uniform (left side picture). Presence of a mass will compress the space (center picture) and space reacts by compressing the mass. If the mass is spinning, the compression of space will be twisted (right side picture)


How Gravity accelerate Mass and Create Orbital System

My nephew told me, “When Apollo landed on the moon, it increases the mass of the moon. So, if NASA keeps sending spaceships to the moon, the moon can fall to the earth!"

[read the short summary of conception]

The acceleration of gravity had formulated by Newton with his general gravity theory. But the gravity force is not a pull force of a mass; it is the action-reaction of two gravitational fields.

The gravity field of two masses is influencing each other as shown in figure 1. The gravity field of lighter mass is bended by the stronger gravity force of higher mass as shown in figure 2. The bending space causes unbalance space compression as shown in figure 3. Therefore, the lighter mass falls to the bigger mass.

Figure 1.2 and 3

From figure 3 we find there is a smaller force that tries to hold the smaller mass to fall to the bigger mass. Then, I just make an oversimplified calculation about this, the result is amazing. The oversimplified calculation about interaction of gravitational field shows the force that holding smaller mass does exist in the orbital system.

I call the force that holds a mass from falling to higher mass as orbital properties. If two masses have high orbital properties, these masses can be coupled into an orbital system. But this calculation leads to a phenomenon that most people do not agree, the phenomenon is the existence of free energy.

When I calculate the orbital property of moon and earth, the result shows high number of orbital properties. High number of orbital properties can make the moon has various angle of orbital shape as shown white line in figure 4.

Figure 4

The Kepler law of energy conservation of orbital system said that the line from a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times. But the sweeps only work for two dimensions. Three dimensions orbital system sweeps wider area. The moon also has three dimensional areas that makes solar eclipse cannot occur every year. That is why the orbital system of Moon and Earth produces ‘free energy’ that makes moon move away from earth about 3 cm per year.

Many publications had said that the Moon moves away because of the ocean tide on the earth. But I can find the mathematical evidence to support this publication. A calculation that tries to support this publication was written at But this page does no longer exist, because it shows a big mistake. It concludes that the gravity of moon is higher than gravity of sun. Simple high school calculation shows that the gravity of Sun is higher.

Furthermore, my calculation confirmed the orbital properties of sun, planets, moon, Jupiter’s satellites, and asteroids. It also confirmed that ordinary masses; including our communication satellites, have no orbital properties. Perhaps, that is why we have many cases of satellite orbit anomaly.

In the satellite orbit business, most anomalies were observed to occur early in the mission [1]. Common analysis on the anomaly blames the manufacturing defect while material fatigue has less effect. Since the trend of anomaly associated with GN&C (Guidance, Navigation & Control), we may consider the probability that anomaly in early mission is caused by wrong parameter of gravity calculation.

[1] Brent Robertson, Eric Stoneking, SATELLITE GN&C ANOMALY TRENDS, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,


Earth Gravity Anomaly


Once we have scientific explanation of a phenomenon, we will lose our curiosity. Too bad, science is not like porn materials.

[read the short summary of conception]

Gravity is the product of proton and neutron, therefore the gravity acceleration follows the population of proton and neutron. If a sphere is made from two different materials (figure A) and the center of mass located at the center of the sphere, the space-time compression is not uniform at the surface of the sphere (figure B). Since Mass A is higher than Mass B, the gravity field will form in little complicated shape (figure C).

Figure A, B and C

The phenomenon of gravity center above explains why a gravity field on earth surface is not uniform. The difference of gravity field around the earth surface is in the range is 100 milligals as shown by NASA publication in figure D [1]. But, we may have to remove the word 'anomaly' because it is naturally.

Figure D

In the other hand, geologist had used the differences of gravity to predict the material beneath the earth surface [2]. Therefore, their prediction is confirmed this theory that different population of proton and neutron cause different gravity.

[1] NASA Earth Science Enterprise., Studying earth gravity from Space

[2] Thomas, M.D., Gravity Prospecting for Massive Sulphide Deposits in the Bathurst Mining Camp, New Brunswick, Canada

Sub Atomic Behavior and Origin of Gravity

Unpredicted and periodic are the impression of sub atomic behavior, also the impression of beautiful creature.

[read the short summary of conception]

Einstein had said, by seeking the simplest differential equations which can be obeyed by an affine correlation there is reason to hope that a generalization of the gravitation equations will be found which includes the laws of the electromagnetic field [1].

As explained in the previous chapter, the presence of proton causes space-time compression while presence of electron causes space-time deterioration. The positive charge of proton pulls the negative charge of electron. But when electron moves toward the proton, there will be an interaction of compression and deterioration of space-time. Therefore, the movement of electron toward proton will be stopped by the balance of compression and deterioration in certain distance. Then electron only can move around proton or orbiting proton.

Electron should be formed into other existence to be united with proton. The possible formation of electron to be united with proton is neutrino. This neutrino will make proton become neutral charged mass or called as neutron.

The compression of space-time is only equal with the existence of proton, so neutron will have over compressed space time. Over compressed space time makes a free neutron will be decayed. Neutron should be close to electron to balance the space-time compression. But neutron has no positive charge to make electron moves closer. Therefore, neutron will use proton to pull the electron.

Neutron, proton and electron have all properties to be coupled in orbital system and become an atom. The origin behavior of electron as an insufficient charged particle will be coupled an atom with other to become molecule. Then molecules become a material.

Space-time deterioration of electron had been balanced by compression of space-time; the negative mass property is not appearing on the material. But we can feel the heat of electron when we make electron travel in the wire or when we break down the carbon chain of burning material.

Space-time compression of proton and neutron still strong, and become stronger when the number of protons and neutrons is increase in a material. This strong compression of space-time is known as gravity as shown in figure 1. The gravity is determined by the number of proton and electron. As Chemistry has already identified that the mass of atom is determine by the number of proton and neutron, therefore the quality of gravity is determined by the mass of material. Just like Newton has found the general gravity

Figure 1: The Compression of Space-time

Figure 2. If there is no mass presence, the energy of space is uniform (left side picture). Presence of a mass will compress the space (right side picture) and space reacts by compressing the mass.

[1] Einstein, A.,1923., Fundamental Ideas And Problems Of The Theory Of Relativity


Creation of Sub-Atomic Particle Before Big Bang

Creation of sub-atomic particle occurs in an absolute dimension before ‘big bang’, when time-space is not created. I don’t know how to explain the time before ‘big bang’ in English because there is no time before ‘big bang’. Should I use the past tenses? Moreover, my English is not good!

[read the short summary of conception]

The absolute dimension is the space of energy that equal to the energy of light radiation. In the perfect absolute dimension, each light radiation of energy is in balanced condition or equipartitioned. It because the rate of equipartitioning is shown to depend on a single free parameter related space charge content of the final (equipartitioned) beam, and does not depend on how the kinetic energy is initially distributed between the two planes. [2].

Because absolute dimension does not allow the existence of mass, the only matter that can enter this dimension is the light radiation. The observation of light radiation shows that light radiation can have different energy level. If there is a light radiation has lower energy level, the energy from surrounding will be transferred to charge the lower energy level. Before energy is being transferred, it should be conversed first. Conservation of light energy can produce electricity. The conversion of light into electrical energy using the photoelectric effect has been previously demonstrated [3].

The energy transfer will behave like ripple of water after stone drop. This will increase the entropy and, there will be over and insufficient charged of energy.

Over or insufficient charged energy should make the “speed of energy” become higher or lower. But the absolute dimension is only for the speed of light, any other speed does not allowed. Therefore, over and insufficient charged energy began to form positive mass or negative mass to balancing the charged energy. But, mass formation is resisted by absolute dimension. The energy of absolute dimension will be conversed to compresses positive mass or deteriorates negative mass.

The mass formation of the insufficient energy becomes electron that will be deteriorated by absolute dimension. Energy of absolute dimension is conserved into space-time deterioration and heat to deteriorate the existence of negative mass. Like the termionic effect, where electrons are ejected by heat instead of light [3]. Deterioration of space also can be found in the annihilation property of dark matter. Dark matter self-annihilation produces a gamma-ray flux observable with current instrumentation. [1]

The mass formation of over charged energy becomes proton that will be compressed by absolute dimension. In this case, energy of absolute dimension is conserved into space-time dimension around the proton. Since the space-time surround the proton, our scientists call this phenomenon as space-wrap. But I think the word ‘space wrap’ is not an appropriate description, because space-time is not only wrapping the mass but also compress the mas

If the mass should be wrapped, is the mass for sale?

[1] J. S. Arabadjis, M.W. Bautz, 2004, Galaxy Clusters and Dark Matter Properties
[2] Kishek, R. A., et all, Energy Transfer Mechanisms and Equipartitioning in non-Equilibrium Space-Charge-Dominated Beam, XX International Linac Conference, Monterey, California
[3] Smestad, Greg P., 2003, Conversion of heat and light simultaneously using a vacuum photodiode and the thermionic and photoelectric effects., International Symposium on Solar Cells & Solar Energy Materials (International Materials Research Congress, IMRC 2003), Cancun, August 17–21, 2003

The Dimension Before 'Big Bang'

I hope that I am not making a new theory because there are already some previous theories like “String Theory”, “G String Theory”, “String Bikini Theory”, and “G String Bikini Theory”. I am afraid that if this is a kind of new theory, they will call this theory as “Underwear Strange Theory”.

Let’s make a simple understanding, but began with a quote of a scientific paper:

The possibility that the universe has more than three spatial dimensions has long been discussed. Recent developments in string theory suggest that there could be up to seven additional spatial dimensions, compactified at very small distances, on the order of 10E-32 m. [1]

Why higher dimension is so small? Perhaps we can understand it from the speed of light phenomenon. Speed of light is the limit speed for the dimension where we life today. If we travel at the speed of light, we will not exist because we are reaching the limit of four dimensions, just about entering other dimension.

Recent preliminary results from gravity experiments at sub millimeter distances, as well as cosmological constraints from supernova cooling and distortion of cosmic diffuse gamma radiation, indicate that the case of less than two dimensional is likely ruled out as well [1].

Therefore, we will go to higher dimension. How the dimension will look like? It is difficult to imagine how the dimension will look like. There is one thing for sure that the mass, space, and time does no longer exist, they are compacted as relativity had predicted. So, if space, time and mass do not exist or compacted, what is left? The answer is energy, because it cannot be created or eliminated. Then, come a question, how energy will look like without space, time and mass? The answer is light radiation.

The observation of universe space has found black hole that sucking the light. Since the star is releasing the light, somewhere between black hole and the star, there will be a microscopic dimension where the light is trapped without space-time. This microscopic dimension is the dimension before ‘big bang’. Because this dimension is for the absolute state, therefore we may call this as absolute dimension.


[1] Abbott, B. et all, 2001, Search for Large Extra Dimensions in Dielectron and Diphoton Production, The American Physical Society



1. The End of Logical Observation.
The more precisely you know the time span in which something occurred, the less you know about the energy involved and vice versa [Heisenberg Uncertainty].

2. The Failure of Modern Science.
Poverty, war, crime and terrorism are consciousness matter that consists of logical thinking, spiritualism and emotionalism. In the other hand, our generations are educated by logical thinking only. So, don’t expect the peaceful world because we never understand the consciousness.
Logical thinking is our unique ability as well as spiritual ability and emotional ability. If we try to understand spiritualism with logical thinking, it will look like watching stars with the microscope.

3. Scientist Mistake.
Gravity of sun is much stronger than gravity of moon, about 350 compared to 2. But scientific explanation said that the ocean tide is caused by moon gravity. Stronger gravity should cause bigger effect, but in this case smaller gravitational force causes bigger effect. We not realize that this kind of scientific explanation violates the basic logical concept. There are many scientific mistakes like this.

4. Scientific Publication Mistake
Modern scientific article is written in complicated words and difficult to be understood by ordinary people. It seems science is no longer dedicated to enhance people's life. This condition also makes the mistake of simple logical concept can hide behind scientific words.

5. Scientific Method Mistake
We teach our generation to explain the objective of their observation. But, some real scientists, specially space scientist, admits that they found many unexpected observation result. They are not ready with their observation, therefore they began to call those unexpected observation result as "DARK" things, such as dark matter, dark energy and dark motion.
Those unexpected observation result is enough evidence that we have to re-design our research/observation method. But the word DARK is stronger to stop any alternative method and explanation.
More over, some unexpected results are called as failure of research or observation.


Promote new point of view and method for scientific activity to have better frame of science. This method will make us:
- Kept in science main stream
- Ready for unexpected result
- Involving consciousness in the research/observation

The unexpected result can bring scientist to frustration that can affect the ability of logical thinking. So, why we only depend on logical thinking?

Logical thinking can be done by processor, so if we teach our generation to ignore the spiritualism and emotionalism, we just make our next generation becomes computer. Don't make our education become systematic dehumanization.


Developing 'psycho-virus' from the bottom of the science.










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