Summary: Anti Gravity Concept

Figure 1:
If a gyroscope spins in white dashed line axis, the gravity curve (yellow line) that should be vertically straight down to the center of earth will be bended. The difference of the space time curves of earth gravity causes gyroscope has force to produce precession to move into vertical position (green arrow).

Figure 2:
When the gyroscope reaches vertical position, the space time curves of earth gravity are in balance. Therefore, the gyroscope will not be lifted, but the mass of gyroscope becomes lighter.

Figure 3:
If we can maintain the space time curves of earth gravity, we can have an elevation force, or anti-gravity.

Summary: The Mass elimination process at the speed of light.

If the mass doesn’t move, the compression of space will form space time curvature into straight line to the center of mass, as shown by green arrows in Figure A.

Figure A

When mass is moving, the curvature in the front of direction is more dense than the rear. The compression of space in the rear fills the left space. This filling is balance with the density of space compression in front of direction (Figure B).

Figure B.

The space that fills left space will fill it in the speed of light. Therefore, if the mass moves close to the speed of light, there will be some delay for the space to fill the left space, then the left space will be filled by the mass. This causes mass become longer as seen in figure C.

Figure C

So, if the mass moves at the speed of light, the space no longer able to fill the left space. The mass will be stretched to elimination.

Summary: Space Time Curvature Gravity of Moving Mass

The linear speed
If the mass doesn’t move, the compression of space will form space time curvature into straight line to the center of mass, as shown by green arrows in Figure A.

Figure A

When mass is moving, the curvature in the front of direction is more dense than the rear. The compression of space in the rear fills the left space. This filling is balance with the density of space compression in front of direction (Figure B). Therefore, the space will keep the mass moving in balance. If the speed of the movement is the speed of light, the compression of space is strong enough to eliminate the existence of mass. That is he reason why mass cannot move in the speed of light.
Figure B

The Spin of Mass
The spin velocity can be explained like this:
If the mass doesn’t spin of move, the compression of space will form space time curvature into straight line to the center of mass, as shown by white arrows in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

When the mass begin to spin at low velocity, compression of space will be curved as shown in figure 2. This will cause compression of space is stretched and the compression strength decreases. As the strength of compression decreases, we can experience centrifugal force.

Figure 2.

It the velocity of spin is too high, the curve of space-time becomes dense as shown in figure 3. The density of space-time compression can be enough to causes gamma ray burst, or trap the light like the black hole. Finally, the density can destroy the existence of mass to create supernova blast.

Figure 3.

Summary: The Origin and Creation of Gravity

Clue: Space will disallow a mass to moves at the speed of light. This is a clue that space has energy to disallow the existence of mass.

This is a hope to understand physics phenomenon in different frame of reference, and open more possibilities for new technology development.

1. The original Space/Absolute Space
If space can disallow a mass to moves at the speed of light, there should be a state where a space is balance [equation]. I call the balanced space as Absolute Space. Absolute space is an energy that balances with energy of absolute speed. There nothing can enter this space but electromagnetic wave.

2. Interaction Between electromagnetic Wave in Absolute Space
Interaction of electromagnetic wave in the absolute space can change the energy level of electromagnetic wave.

Creation of Proton and Neutron
If energy of an electromagnetic wave is increase, the frequency will be higher and wavelength will be shorter. Because speed cannot be increased, there will be a condition where wavelength is zero and cancels the speed of light. The electromagnetic wave turn to be a mass and the space will balance with the presence of mass by transforming into space time function to compress the mass. The increase of energy caused the formed mass has positive charges of proton and the compression of space time cause proton has gravity field. Gravity field makes proton can have more energy to change the proton becomes neutron.

Since the mass is an electromagnetic wave that lost the speed, the energy of mass equal to (1/2)mc^2. The same energy is also given by the space in the form of compression. But since the space is considering the speed of light, the mass becomes smaller, the length becomes shorter and the time becomes longer.
If proton or neutron enters high gravity field, proton and neutron receives too much energy from space. Then proton and neutron will be decayed.

Creation of electron
If energy of electromagnetic wave decreases, the frequency can become zero. The space no longer ‘gives’ energy, but hives the energy. At the point where the space hives the energy, the electron is formed. The decrease of energy causes electron has negative charges.

3. Atom Creation and Mass Creation
Gravity field of Neutron can be united with gravity field of proton, but positive charge of proton cannot be balanced by space, it can be balanced by electron. But, electron has ‘anti-gravity’ field that cannot be united with gravity field. Therefore, electron can only moves close to proton until the anti gravity field around electron is balanced with gravity field of proton (and neutron) in an orbital system.

Some atoms create a molecule, and molecules create mass. The gravity field of proton and neutron become stronger.

Gravity comes from the push of space, not the pull of a mass.

Gravity Field has a limit. There will be some areas in the universe that do not experiencing the gravity field. These areas are balancing the gravity field. There areas may the dark matter that had been identified by NASA. The effect of galaxy collision that caught by NASA may refer to the transformation of absolute space/dark matter into space time.

The compression of space time has connection with moving mass. Therefore, it opens a possibility to arrange some moving masses to create anti gravity effect.

I hope, although I cannot process this summary into formal procedure, this summary can give a fresh look to our science then brings to better world.

Tanks for my friend at BBC Message Board that remind me to make the summary.

Relativity Confirmation: From gravity to Dark Matter and Dark energy

[read the short summary of the conception]
Someone from United Kingdom remind me to show the confirmation of my concept with General Relativity and Special Relativity. Unfortunately, I do not interest to learn these concepts because I have to ‘see’ the experiment in common frame of reference. But I like the experiments and observations because both are confirmed my concept when I ‘see’ those in my frame of reference:

1. Energy Mass relationship (E = mc^2)
Space will not allow a mass to have a kinetic energy at absolute state of speed of light:

E[kinetic] = (1/2)mc^2
Space will compress the existence of mass to disallow the mass to have kinetic energy at speed of light. The energy of space to disallow is equal to the energy of mass.
E[compress] = (1/2)mc^2
Therefore, total balanced energy of mass and space ( E ) is:
E = E[kinetic] + E[compress] = (1/2)mc^2 + (1/2)mc^2 = mc^2
E = mc^2

If the velocity of mass is much slower than speed of light, the mass relatively small. The compression of space will also small. The length of compression will also relative to the speed of mass. Relative longer compression causes longer interval that exhibit slower time dimension (see Scout Rocket Experiment bellow).

According to Newton, there is no limit of gravity field. But my conception leads to the limit of gravitational field. Therefore, there are spaces without gravity field. Those spaces are the space that surrounding the galaxy. Those spaces will balance the gravitational space that keeps the galaxy intact.

We had identified this space as Dark Matter. It exhibits dark energy that keep universe intact. If galaxies collide, the space will be turned become space time compression. As seen by NASA.

2. Michelson and Morley experiment
This was an experiment to separate the light to different direction then being united again. The result is no differences.
In my conception, as long as the light is not energized, the light reminds same. If the light is energized by gravity field, light will be bended.

3. Sharp Double Star Image
The conclusion of this observation is the light is absolute speed. This is a part of my conception.

4. Electromagnetic decay in the Atmosphere
This is an observation of an electromagnetic source that decayed during fall to the ground. This confirms my conception that if electromagnetic energy enters gravitational field will be energized, like a mass will be energized to fall at the accelerated speed. But electromagnetic cannot be accelerated. To balance with energy from gravity, electromagnetic will be decayed or diffracted.

5. Cyclotron Frequency Accelerator Experiment.
This experiment concludes that the conservation of momentum leads to relativistic mass. My conception is that the space time will balance with the mass and its properties. If a mass moves and produces kinetic energy, the compression of space will be stronger without dragging the speed and makes the mass become heavier.

6. Cerenkov radiation
Cerenkov radiation states that the speed of light is the speed limit in this universe.
This is one of my conception bases.

7. Deflection of star light by the sun.
Just like the observation of electromagnetic decay in the atmosphere (number 3).

8. Harvard Tower Experiment
This experiment is measuring the energy of gamma ray that launched upward and downward in the earth gravitational field difference about 22 meters. It shows that there is a change of energy. This is support my conception about changed energy of electromagnetic wave in the gravitational field.

9. Scout Rocket Experiment.
Rocket that fall from 10.000 km shows that time run faster of earth surface. This confirms my conception that the existence of mass is followed by reaction of space and time creation.

New Generation of Technology for recession.

[read the short summary of the conception]
Advanced technologies today that used to be produced by developed countries can be produced by developing countries in lower price. Perhaps, this is the fundamental cause of today economic recession.

I just thinking, when low price products from China began to penetrate developed countries markets, people could save more money. Then they began to consider buying new home, new cars and other luxury product. Then the credit loan becomes attractive product.

More credits make the demand of Chinese products increase and decrease for the developed countries products. The decrease of local product demand causes lower income for developed countries. The credit loan then become a bubble that explode become financial crisis.

Financial crisis had triggering industries of developed countries to shut down due to lack of financial support to compete with ‘made in China’. This is continued with the explosion of unemployment.

If the technology is the fundamental cause, therefore developed countries need a new generation of technology, not just an innovation but a breakthrough.

An innovation is finding a new connection in the same frame of reference. A breakthrough is finding a new connection in different frame of reference.

This blog offer a new frame of reference to ‘see’ our fundamental physic, to find a new connection that we’ve never seen before. So there are possibilities to build a new generation of technology, such as possibility to manipulate space-time function to design flying car.

That is why I promote this blog in today economic recession.

And honestly, yes, the bottom line is about money.

I am sorry Mr. Newton, your gravity is for conventional technology, not for quantum technology.

[read the short summary of the conception]
When Newton realized that falling apple is caused by a force, there are two probabilities of force. The force is a push from above the apple or the force is a pull from bellow the apple. We all know that Newton did choose the pull force instead push force. In his second edition of principia, Newton stated I have not yet been able to discover the cause of these properties of gravity from phenomena.

So, Newton jumped to conclusion of “mass pull” without appropriate reason. He just said that It is enough that gravity does really exist and acts according to the laws I have explained, and that it abundantly serves to account for all the motions of celestial bodies.

For 17th century technology, yes, it is enough. For quantum technology, no, it is not enough.

This blog propose a concept that gravity comes from space, like Einstein did. But, there is a little difference. Einstein spacetime usually connected to cosmological constant. In my conception, space is drag less but elastic. It fills the space, but can be compressed and stretched.

If a mass appear inside this space, the mass compress the space around. The surface of the space will be stretched, and the space at the mass will react by pressing the mass. This pressing of the space causes acceleration that known as gravity.

If the mass move inside the space, the pressure of space will be higher to balance with the kinetic energy or inertia. Because space is drag less, the pressure of space will not make mass stop moving, but being balanced to move. But if the mass is too ‘nasty’ to move to the speed of light, the pressure of space will eliminate the existence of mass. That is why any speed that faster than the speed of light is disallowed by the space.

The compression of space creates curved images, or known as space-time curvature. My conception above opens possibility to create brand new technology, which is space-time engineering. Perhaps, the first technology will be flying car that flies by manipulating space-time function.

The Curve of General Relativity

[read the short summary of conception]
Einstein stated that the space time is structural quality of gravity field. He described curved lines to explain the gravity.

If we look at how Newton found the idea of gravity, we realize that Newton only see an event of falling apple. But his consciousness made him able to see something behind the falling apple which is gravity.

Einstein's explanation of gravity is description of an event, just like falling apple in the Newton's observation. Then we need to 'see' behind this event.

We can be like Newton

To have a good monitoring system, we have to monitor the monitoring system. Monitoring a monitoring system has different methodology because monitoring a monitoring system has different process than monitoring a system.

Well, just keep your eyes on this monitor if you want to keep reading.

[read the short summary of conception]

If we watch the falling apple before Newton, we might take a ruler, mass counter and timer to observe the falling system. We will have falling acceleration. Then we may conclude that “Everything in above will fall down with acceleration about 9.8 m/s^2.” And there will be a small probability to find gravity concept.

Why could Newton find it?

Newton’s attention was not focused on the apple, the mass, the length of falling path, the velocity, etc. Shortly, Newton’s attention was not on the event. His attention was focused on something behind the event, which is gravity.

How Newton can ‘see’ something behind the event?

It is simply because Newton was EXPANDING THE FOCUS of his observation.

Newton physically stands on earth, but I believe that he made him self flying to the space and made an imaginary observation. So he can realize that if things falling downward on the North Pole, then other things will fall upward in the South Pole. This imaginary observation will lead our understanding that falling things is not simply a movement from above to downward. There is something that accelerates things to the center of the earth. That something is gravity.

How Newton could made imaginary observation?

Imaginary observation is a spiritual experience. That is why some of our great scientists believe in God, because they have better spiritual consciousness. That also why the holly book Koran gives more appreciate to scientists.

PS: Remember what Einstein said: Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Scientis blames our childhood happiness for resistance to science!

I don't understand why you scientist came to conclusion that childhood is the origin of adult resistance to science. So, are you will propose to eliminate Peter Pan and Tinkerbell? Sorry, my daughter loves them.

Hei, scientist! have you look into into the mirror? Have write your article in simple word so adult people interest to read your article? Why don't you blame your scientific writing method?

Your science had developed technologies for war and destroy the environment. This because you had banned the word "love" in your work!

Spiritualism and emotional for new science and new world.

Watch, touch, taste, smell, hear are our observation activities. The result of our observation is impression. Glad, angry, sad, afraid, etc are our first impression. This first impression is a spontaneous, we call it as feeling. Logical analysis is second impression. This impression requires little effort, we call it thinking. And finally we have spiritual impression.

This first impression will determine the next impression. If the first impression is afraid, it will be difficult to go to next impression. So, a person that has blood phobia will face many difficulties to become a doctor.

Second impression will answer the question of who, what, where, when, and how. While why question will not end, like this:
“Why we fall?”
“Because earth has gravity.”
“Why earth has gravity?”
“Because earth has mass.”
“Why earth has mass?”
“Because …..”

The real answer of why question lies in spiritual impression.

Our science is developed by second impression to fulfill our first impression. Anger is fulfilled by gun, and our angry becomes crime. A depression is fulfilled by drugs and our depression creates drug’s war. Hunger is fulfilled by manufacture technology and our hunger becomes greediness, then our greediness becomes war.

If we know why man on the earth, we may will not kill for oil. If we understand why there are some religion on the earth, there will be no Palestine conflict. If we know why greediness is a part of man, there will be no environmental destruction. If we really can answer the why question, this world becomes heaven.

When our education not only teach logical thinking but also consider the spiritualism? As long as every religions on earth tries to dominate the world, the dream of heavenly world will be impossible.

As long as science rejects "love" and "God" in their work, science will only bring us to atheism. Good value of any religion will be considered as non realistic matter and should be ignored. There will be no effort to understand why some religions exist in this world. The peaceful world is further away.

Close encounter of the lost physic

[read the short summary of conception]

This is one of my picture in my article:

This is another picture in another article:

Compare both pictures with a picture from science daily [].

It seem that the sun burst will lead us to the truth of gravity.

Basic Mistake on Boeing Research

Can you make an omelet without heat?

[read the short summary of conception]

Boeing tried to build anti-gravity vehicle in early 2000 but this is another lost of science main stream. In year 2000, there are many phenomenons about gravity that had not being explained. So, Boeing doesn’t have enough understanding about gravity but tries to make anti-gravity device. It like making bread without wheat.

We can measure the force between two masses but we cannot answer the question how those masses can have force. Is there any sub atomic changes inside the mass so that mass is forced? Is a mass releases a kind of electromagnetic wave that forced other mass? Is there any explanation about this? No, no, no and no.

Why there is no explanation? The answer is simple, because science does not allow it. Why science does not allow? Because it will lead to modify the basic gravity concept and scientists on prestigious science institution will not support it. If there are no support, there will be no funds to investigate it.

Let's break this stupid circle!

Why scientific articles are written in complicated words

"Speak louder, please. I can't hear you."
"No, I can't. Because you will understand and found my mistake."

At least, there are two reasons why scientists should write their work in complicated words, first they have to attract editor’s mind and second is to find the relation between their works with the funding mission. Therefore, the science work is little bit ignored to pursue bureaucracy and begin to loose the main stream. That is why we are difficult to understand their article.

Science development mostly depends on editors and funding organization. If a science development cannot make editor interested or out of funding organization’s mission, the science will dry out tough public need it most.

Public need many technology for their living. One of the public needs is flying car to deal with traffic jam. But there are too small number of organizations that develop flying car. Why giant company do not interest to develop flying car? Because our 'science' do not allow flying car. Any ideas of flying car will be rejected before being considered.

We has not investigate all probability to make flying car, so it is our stupidity if we claim that fying car is impossible.

The Old Religious Javanese Man and a PhD

Scientist: "All right, I'll give you US$ 50 if I cannot answer your question, you just give me US$10 if you cannot answer my question."
Artist: "O.K."
Scientist: "Answer this question. How far the average distance between moon and earth?"
Artist: "I don't know." (give scientist US10) "How far is it?"
Scientist: "It is 380.000 km"
Artist: "What goes up to hill with two legs and go down with three leg?"
Scientist: "I don't know." (give artist US$50) "What is it?"
Artist: (Give US$10 to scientist)

In late 80s, an old religious man said to me that I should learn from China because China will become the world leader. But I don't believe it because the old man never goes to university.

In early 90s, I read about the prediction of peak oil production. It said that the peak of oil production occur in 2006, then the oil become major power to conquer the world. I believe this prediction 100% because it was made by a PhD.

I think, Bush administration considered the PhD prediction. So he waste money and life to conquer Iraq. Perhaps, he thought that conquering the oil base production will make American economic stronger after 2006. But God has different wish, oil from Iraq does not make American economic stronger but slipped to crisis. It makes Obama has to beg to China.

As the religious Javanese man predicted, China now has become the world strongest economic country.

So, what is the difference between PhD prediction and the old religious Javanese man prediction? The PhD prediction only uses analytical thinking but the old religious Javanese man uses combination of analytical, spiritual and emotional.

It makes me realized that if we only use analytical thinking, we just down grade human ability.

Spiritual and emotional are human specific ability. If we abandon these ability in our education, we just doing a systematical dehumanization.

By the way, we had left a lot of environmental destruction for our next generation. Will we add it with dehumanization?